A Guide to Firmness Options

Kindly note: We generally recommend starting with Firm for smaller toys, and Medium or Soft for larger toys.

Tariss's offers a variety of different toy models in different firmnesses (or hardnesses) to accommodate a wide variety of tastes and preferences. Trying to decide what firmness is best can be a little overwhelming, so here’s a rundown with general information about the firmness options we have!

We offer Soft, Medium, and Firm as solid firmness options on our dildos. Choosing one of these options means that the entire toy will be cast in a single uniform firmness.

  • Soft (sometimes referred to as “3 firmness”) is the most yielding firmness we have available for dildos. It compresses and bends very easily. 

  • Medium (sometimes referred to as “5 firmness”) is the middle ground of our firmness options. It's somewhat more difficult to compress than 3 firmness, but does not bend as much on its own. Some models will still have difficulty standing on their own (due to top-heaviness) but most are more stable than in Soft firmness.

  • Firm (sometimes referred to as "8 firmness") is the hardest firmness that we have available. It is difficult to compress; it springs back to its original shape very quickly when bent and released. In general, it is very unyielding.

We have two other options called split firmness. This means that the shaft of the toy is cast in one single uniform firmness, but the base is cast in a different single uniform firmness. Availability of split firmness varies depending on the model of toy purchased - you can check a toy’s product page to see if it supports this option. We have two types of split firmness:


  • Split Firm - the shaft of the toy is made in Medium, with the base in Firm
  • Split Wide - the shaft of the toy is made in Soft, with the base in Firm

At the end of the day, what firmness will work best for you is very much a personal decision. Customer Service can’t advise as to which firmness is best, but you can always contact us if you have other general questions about our firmness options!